CON+ 獲得 SDN 國際服務設計大賽學生組 Winner

2016 畢業設計



共創展覽新體驗 / 李思萱 謝佳紜


Wheee is not only a static exhibition guiding app but with more interactions. Wheee uses iBeacon technique to build up an interior navigation system for users, and transforms nowadays’ “check in” behavior into a fun experience of finding good seedling analogy.



Toothpaste Bubble

太空泡泡-新型潔牙組 / 謝伊婷 徐尉齡


The package is mainly designed for children between 4~8. TOOTHPASTE BUBBLE is an innovation teeth brushing kit, it aims to enhance children’s interest on brushing teeth and help them clean up their teeth completely by changing the form of toothpaste and showing them the location of bacteria.



小小說書人 家庭互動影音日記 / 高暐茹 林嘉鈞 


Tiny tales is an app for guiding kids to tell a story by giving all kinds of subjects. Each challenge has different leading questions to guide kids to think and create a whole story. Tiny tales inspires kids to express themselves, train creativity and practice speaking skill by taking photos, recording and drawings.




威利 早期療癒視覺復健輔具 / 許華汧

威利是一款針對3-8 歲視覺障礙兒童的視覺復健輔具,由專業治療師,針對個別化兒童需求制定適合的視覺刺激,並藉由故事與訓練關卡的互相配合,使兒童在訓練的過程中增加趣味性進而提升家中訓練的動機,以及親子互動的機會。本產品以威利爺爺的農場為故事背景搭配視覺關卡訓練,讓兒童在故事的氛圍中以找尋動物為任務,刺激視覺,以開發剩餘視力。職能治療師可以依照兒童個別需求調整適合的視覺刺激關卡,增加遊戲使用彈性及個別進步記錄,讓兒童在家中也可以藉遊戲的方式達到訓練的效果。

WEILI is an app designed for visual impaired children aged 3-8 years old. Developing a suitable visual training for individuals by professional therapists. The main story is WEILI's Farm and visual trainings, aiming to increase the interests of children to play in the training course. Help visual impaired children have more chance to enhance their vision.


Wreddy Go

視知覺遲緩兒練習教具 / 林易萱 謝佳軒


《Wreddy Go》is a learning-assisting interactive pop-up book which is designed for visual perception developmental delay children aged from 1 to 6 year-old. In this book, we provide interesting games based on 5 main visual perception capabilities: visual discrimination、perception constancy、visual memory、figure-ground perception and spatial relationship. With electric sensors in the pop-up book and APP interaction, we create better learning experiences and more joy. Therapists can track their practice at home and adjust their intervention more appropriately according to statistics from app.


Between Journey

視障隨身資訊 / 葛承恩 呂元碩 侯柏羽

Between Journey 是一款協助視障者交通轉乘以及提供交通資訊的 APP,利用 Voiceover 及 iBeacon 這兩項技術輔助視障者自由行走。當視障者持有手機接近Beacon時,手機將能判斷視障者當下的位置,並給予精確的環境訊息。Between Journey 結合了語音導覽,地點報位的技術,將平時搭乘的交通工具,以最適合的方式串聯在視障者的使用中。



Soul Salt

鹽生 緊急求生穿戴裝置 / 余安婷 林雨蓁


Soulsalt is an emergency survival device which can be equipped on the shipwrecked survivor’s wrists or their life vest. It is simply powered by sea water. As soon as it drops into the sea it would be generated. It has two main features glowing and signal transmitting which can not only comfort the survivor but also provide the survivor’s direction to rescuers. As a result, Soulsalt can really improve the efficiency of rescuing and increase the survival rate of victims.



搜救犬輔助APP / 于懷恩 王姵媗


When the earthquake happened, there are always many buildings collapsed. Therefore, many people are trapped under these buildings and waiting for rescuing. The rescue team always let the rescue dog go inside the building and find these victims. However, when they go inside the building, the rescue teams have no idea what they encountered. They may encounter many difficult situations such as trap, direction and even doubt of smell.

So, we have designed Caniser to help these situations. When the dogs start barking, their location would be sent back to our app. We can know the victim location immediately. On the other hand, the rescue team can use the information from Caniser to judge what situation the rescue dog encountered. They can also unlock the Caniser if the dog trapped. Caniser is the product which can connect the dog and the team efficiently.



新型兒童安全座椅 / 李昀 王譽錚



RiDii is designed for 3 ~ 5 year-old children.  It is mainly composed of three scooter necessities, "handle, back cushions, and foot rest.”Most scooters are designed for adults; however, children's body is smaller.  Therefore, their hands are not enough long to hold on to their parents' waist.  What's worse, their feet can't even step on the foot rest.  Consequently, we design three scooter parts not only to make children safer, stay on their seats, and concentrate on riding in the back, but make it easy for parents to adjust RIDii according to children's heights and to much easier to set up the equipment. We choose cartoon as the main style, along with entertainment and versatility.  A series of style could be easily installed on one's scooter, making children indulged in delightful feeling.


CIA  Furniture 

兒童創意家具 / 廖翊廷




用最環保的方式抓你最恨的蟑螂 / 謝宜辰



Ina Mema 

原住民文化親子互動家具 /  萬祥恩

一個為五到九歲的孩童與家長所做的故事拼裝桌椅並加以編織美觀,是希望可以讓小孩學會自己動手製作東西,也可以加強手眼協調以及邏輯思考,加上組裝上有故事延續性,來增加孩童的興趣。家長可以陪同製作過程與說明故事內容, 來增加親子間的互動更能加深故事印象。

Ina Mema以阿美族故事語言為主來增加一些趣味性,Ina是太陽以及媽媽的意思,是希望媽媽能像太陽一樣的溫暖照料著孩童長大;Mema是月亮及爸爸的意思,是希望爸爸能像月亮一樣在黑的夜裡還是照亮陪伴著小孩成長。