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2010 NPUI Project (Non-PC User Interface) – A multidisciplinary design project

NPUI 是一個為了增進不同世代的人們彼此溝通所設計的互動平台。我們期望讓每一位使用者都能以他們最熟悉的方式傳達他們的情感,而不需要去適應陌生的溝通工具。我們將便利貼、相框等日常生活中的物件轉換為操作介面,同時運用投影機,將數位訊息傳輸至實體環境中。透過這樣的方式,那些不熟悉電腦的使用者 ( 例如我們的組父母們 ) 不僅可以透過這個平台與家人溝通、瀏覽照片,還能夠在社交網站上 ( 例如 PLURK ) 分享他們的生活。透過虛擬與實體空間的融合,NPUI聯結了數位與傳統的溝通方式,藉此提升了家人間的親密關係。在NPUI中,我們將電腦功能融入家居環境之中,同時保有空間對使用者原有的意義,進而創造出生活化的數位溝通平台。


NPUI 原名是Non PC User Interface,第一版為虛擬的牆面,名為Space JAM,第二版改名為Communi-Table,以桌上使用為主,以檯燈為象徵,希望可以自然的融入環境中。

Communi-Table Demo / 展示完整內容


Receiving e-mails | 收信


Writing mails | 寫信


Photo Album | 相簿


Diary and blog | 日記


我們現在可以來看一下剛剛阿嬤上傳的內容。 Gmail信箱:這就是我們剛剛寄至兒子mail信箱裡的內容,以圖片的形式呈現。 部落格:而這些是剛剛阿嬤對相片的感想、以及她圖文並茂的日記。

E-brochure or e-card | 明信片


The aim of this project is to assist the communication between different generations, especially grandfathers and mothers who cannot use computers. Nowadays, young kids use e-mail, digital photos. The elderly use traditional pen-and-paper and physical photos. So the media they used establish a barrier preventing their communication. Our communi-table is designed to bridge these two media and make their communication easier and more natural.

We will demo two main functions of communi-table. Sending and receiving e-mails. Browsing and sending photos. They are essential ways to communicate between generations verbally and graphically.

Receiving e-mails | 收信

Pretending you were the grandfather who brought this product. If you want to read e-mail from your daughter, all you have to do is to pull the letter book and flip to the page of your daughter. The latest mail will be shown in the book. If you want to read the next letter, you can push the big button. Going back is the small button.

Writing mails | 寫信

If you want to write a mail back to her, you can flip to the page and write down you message. When you done, press the big button. When you see the mail icon, it means your letter has been sent.

Photo Album | 相簿

Because nowadays most people use digital photos and put them on the internet, so it is not convenient for grandfather to see them. With our product, if the grandfather want to browse the latest pictures of his grand-daughter. All he has to do is to pull the album and flip to the page of daughter. The system will slideshow the photos. If he likes one of them very much, he can use the bookmark to stop the slideshow and even write some comments on it. When finished, just press the big button and the comment will be sent to the grandfather’s blog.

Diary and blog | 日記

Similarly, the grandfather can write done his daily thoughts, just like his diary. With communi-table, he can create his own blog with the words he wrote and physical pictures he had. All the relatives will share the grandfather’s life on the blog.

We can have a look from the digital world. This is the letter sent by the grandfather. And this is the grandfather’s blog that records his life.

E-brochure or e-card | 明信片

This e-brochure is for visitors. If you put the card under the product with the icon facing upward, you can see a demo movie for this product. You might write your comments on the right hand side. Pressing the big button will send the comments to the comments blog, so we can find out what you think about this prodct.

Finally, we are still trying to incorporate calendar into the system. Hopefully, we will finish the whole system in months. Thanks for your time.


設計流程 / Design Process

A. 簡單的視覺表現

B. 中國風格的視覺表現

C. 親切活潑的互動平台

D. 展現自我的虛擬舞台

E. 家人分享的數位客廰

F. 真實自然的生活空間













1. 訊息傳送


2. 相片瀏覽


3. 生活規劃


4. 操作說明影片



成果展示 / Product Demo

1. 研討會發表

2009 DeSForM

1. 使用者導向創新設計


2. 跨領域合作研究開發


3. 數位科技的整合應用


